Every had one of those mornings where you just didn't want to get out of day and head to work. Today is my Monday and I'm having one of those days. I woke up early for no reason I could have slept in but oh well instant I'm on here.
I firgured if I'm awake then why not write a new post for Vegan MoFo. I figured I show you my recent grocery shipping trip. Note it's tiny because I'm finishing what I have in the fridge. Plus with me working in retail I have chance of being to tired to cook. So I only buy what I need for maybe a few days.
I bought coconut milk, granola, sweet potato, avocado , mushroom, baby bok choi, carrots , water and a protein bar.
Hope everyone has a great day, I'm thinking I might head to whole foods for a n almond milk latte.
The VSOP potluck is next Saturday at Christ the King Lutheran Church near Rice. Starts at 6, runs until ~8:30. Hope to see you there!