Thursday, October 24, 2013

Oh dear blogger I forgot you

Well I'm sorry about the major lack of communication on here, I did disappear again for a couple months. I have a lot going on right now with my job and family. I don't want to abuse my blog or forget it either.

If you noticed my about me section,its  changed,  as I have been posting quite a lot on Instagram recently, it's easier. I have taken on more responsibility at work and been  learning lot more skillwise. At the same time I'm trying to focus on getting really healthy and cut out a lot of junk food. Reasoning about this is my grandpa recently had a stroke, it hit me hard as it was unexpected. I haven't seen him in almost 6 months or so because of my job.

His stroke had made me want to focus on getting back to why I made this blog. I'm going back to my roots; I'm going to get healthy and stay healthy. Along with that I'm going to show how to cook healthy on a plant based aka vegan diet to prevent health issues. Yes that's right, I'm going to change things around a little bit. I'm going to promise to post at least four times a week going forward however if work gets busy I will not be able to post.

So there it is Southern Purple Vegan is going to be about a hard working twenty something girl working hard to make a career at the same time while staying healthy on a plant based(vegan lifestyle). I'm excited about my change I feel it's a good move it's a passion.

Feel free to comment on about the changes.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wordless Thursday

Wordless Thursday in Vegan Mofo month means. An awesome picture..

A recent meal from Whole Foods, it was awesome. Tomorrow ill will show some more favorite foods.

Try to guess what dish this is and I might do a giveaway...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Random Eats

I know I'm official behind on Vegan MoFo but man retail is kicking me so hard in the butt. That it physical feels like I go home eat shower sleep and repeat over and over. I haven't had a single day off in almost now two weeks. 

However I have captured a little bit of my food during the past few weeks plus I have found some new favorites at Whole Foods down the street from my house and work. Well I guess I should show you some food huh? 

First new item I found that I like is Whole Foods Organic Orange Strawberry Banana Juice.  Me and My boyfriend are so totally in love with this juice.

Second item I found was this juice called evolution it's so delicious. It's sold at Whole Foods and Starbucks; Starbucks happens to own Evolution juice products now.  I buy mine at Whole foods because they are 3 dollars cheaper than Starbucks. 

I have found other things that I love and that are favorites but some of them are for the next post. Maybe it's a fake meat or maybe it's a dessert would knows.

Take a guess...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Grumpy Morning

Every had one of those mornings where you just didn't want to get out of day and head to work. Today is my Monday and I'm having one of those days. I woke up early for no reason I could have slept in but oh well instant I'm on here.

I firgured if I'm awake then why not write a new post for Vegan MoFo.  I figured I show you my recent grocery shipping trip. Note it's tiny because I'm finishing what I have in the fridge. Plus with me working in retail I have chance of being to tired to cook. So I only buy what I need for maybe a few days.  

I bought coconut milk, granola, sweet potato, avocado , mushroom, baby bok choi, carrots , water and a protein bar. 

Hope everyone has a great day, I'm thinking I might head to whole foods for a n almond milk latte. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Monkey Madness

Welcome back it's day two of Vegan MOFO, plus it's labor day! So what that means for you is that you are stuck with my favorite Skincare company or should I say one of my favorites. If you follow me on instagram which my username is: SouthernPurpleVeg, you would have seen that I posted a sneak peak. Plus I usually post on instagram about 7 times a week or more so if you want to see what i'm eating in real time follow me there.

Well on to favorite skincare company would have to be Lush Cosmetics. I mean it's where I practically get all of my skincare, with having cystic acne and rosacea it's hard to find products that don't make my face react. They have a variety of products to choose from shampoo's to lotions and bath bombs plus more it's like a heaven of body care/skincare.

When you go to a Lush shop you can get sample's of the product to insure that what you are buying is what you need. I happen to be lucky because the manager at my local Lush location happens to have the same skin care issues too. I know she will always have me covered with trying new products plus she always points out which one's are vegan friendly too. Almost everything is vegan if not it is vegetarian friendly plus also organic and fresh which says alot these days about body/skin care. The above picture is my recent samples I got from the local manager.

I have my usually product's I always buy which are 1.Angels on Bare Skin (gentle scrub),2. Aqua Marina (daily face cleanser), 3. Eau Roma(Toner) or Tea Tree Water(toner)  and 4.Celestial(face lotion). The picture below shows each one of these products expect Tea Tree Water which I didn't buy right now. So if you got a lush shop near you I would say stop in and check them out; if not take a look at the website

I know you were expecting a food post but to be honest it's labor day and this is a backup post since I work in retail. I am working a double today so I basically have no time for myself or this blog. I'll be back tomorrow with a foodie/food post promise.

Have you ever been to Lush, If so what's your favorite product? 
P.S. follow me on Instagram :)

Sidenote: This post was a personal post I was not paid nor asked to make this post to promote Lush Cosmetics. All the products are purchased by me and this is a personal opinion post. Nor is this post ad or advertisement. This post was written for pure entertainment and silliness.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Oh My Stars Welcome To Vegan MOFO

Hello Everyone,Welcome to my lovely blog it's Vegan MOFO time and that means I will actually be on my blog during this month. Plus maybe I might be able to get some interesting people to step in for me when I'm busy. I really I have a wonderful post set up for the first day of Vegan MOFO but for now I'm going to share with you my favorite pizza joint. On to the action...

The past few months I have been pretty lucky to have gone to some of the places I got to go to. One of the places I got to go not once but twice in one month was Star Pizza 2. It's now my favorite place in Houston for restaurants but that might have to do with that it's pizza. Granted I do love my pizza over any other type of food maybe.

Star Pizza offers lot's of different options in regards to Italian type food, but everyone pretty much goes there for the deep dish pizza. It's so frickin delicious it's almost addictive, I mean a small personal size pizza has four slices to the pan. The pizza slices are so big that you actually need a fork and knife sometimes to eat your food, so needless to say one small can feed two people.

Don't believe me take a look at my photo below that's a small vegetarian pizza made vegan, yes Star Pizza is vegan friendly trusted me they have a button for no cheese which is for vegans. They are willing to let you sub one topping since you take off the cheese as you can see I go for jalapenos. 

Now seeing this pizza while writing this post makes me want Star Pizza that's okay, I can enjoy my cup of almond milk instant. Everyone I know is kinda like ooh Star Pizza can I go with you , I mean anyone who likes pizza in Houston,TX knows about Star Pizza.

Every had a pizza so big that you had to use a fork and knife to eat? Leave a comment below.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pardon Me

I'm too tired to create a new post, I'm dead tired from work. I'll be back on Tuesday with a new post until then enjoy the cat picture. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Issues with phones

Most of you don't know I don't actually blog from a computer anymore due to my job. I have been using my iPhone for blogging and now it's on a revenge with me. So it's going to be a day or two before I'll be able to post pictures with my posts.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Long Time

It's been way too long since I last post anything on here, life kinda took over and now I'm like WTH! It's been almost 6 months since my last post.
A lot has happen in 6 months at my current job I still work for the big orange box store. However I have moved to a level of management from cashier. Yes that is right from being unemployed a year ago to now I have done a lot. However in the process my blog was neglected, which I am sad but it happens.

With this blog being neglected I had two thoughts 1. end southern purple vegan or 2. come back with a vengeance. I have decided to come back with a vengeance, since this my place to vent. I am going to be I am not perfect about being or remembering to write a post but what I can tell you is that I'm honest. So to be honest I will post at least 2 times a week maybe more depending on my schedule from work.

As long as I don't have to work 10+ plus in a row then you'll see post , if I work 10+ days then I might go on hiatus temporarily until I'm sane again. Which at my job I wonder if anyone is really sane, with having to deal with 20+ personalities on the daily.
Besides my update/vent/memo I haven't done anything worth blogging however yesterday was worth talking about which I will do later today.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Will Be Back...Tomorrow

I wanted to post and update, I will be posting on the blog as of tomorrow and going forward. I have been super  busy plus I have been arranging for another person to help maintain and post on this blog, more details will be posted later about my new person that's going to help. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Guess Post: Morgan From Color in Motion 5k

Hey guys! This is Morgan from Color in Motion 5k. I am so excited to be joining you to tell readers at Southern Purple Vegan about one of the most fun events of the year, the Color in Motion 5k race. I also want to offer readers an awesome deal for the Color in Motion 5k fun run on February 2 in Houston. This race also benefits the local Houston charity, Girls on the Run, which benefits young girls.

**Use the discount code- SOUTHERNPURPLEVEGAN to register and get 10% off race registration at**

Inline image 1

So what is Color in Motion 5k? Let me tell you, Color in Motion 5k is the most fun 5k race you will ever participate in. This is is not a timed race so run, walk, jog, whatever your prefer as long as you are moving and having fun. This is not a timed event, so feel free to move at your own pace, whatever that may be. Here's how it works: 

Come in white clothes and start moving!

At every kilometer of the race there is a color pit where our wonderful volunteers throw color on you as you go by, helping make the experience more fun and turning your white clothes into a pallette of color. Like these Color Chasers-

Inline image 1

What also makes Color in Motion 5k different than your average 5k race is the after party. Afterwards there is a big party with music, dancing, vendors and a color throw.

Doesn’t that look fun? I would not want to miss out on that if I were you.

So what do you have to do to join in on this fun? Go to and sign up using SOUTHERNPURPLEVEGAN bring your friends and get ready to have a great time and support a great cause while doing it. Hope to see you covered in color on February 2!