Sunday, November 27, 2011

Long Holiday

Thanksgiving is such a nice holiday to see family and spend time with them but it is also a very long holiday. If you include black Friday as part of that. I spend most of my Friday recovering from the long trip to my family's house near Huntsville , Texas. It was a great day , however I didn't capture my plate of food that I bought with me.

I bought butternut squash dusted with cinnamon , green beans, brussels sprouts and rosemary rolls which was all from whole foods; and of course vegan pumpkin pie.I think I have found my new lover for pumpkin pie, because sadly the pumpkin pie gelato now has milk in it. I was sad to hear that but oh well , whole foods makes a killer pumpkin pie.

Needless to say my family was slightly interested in how I eat , except for one family member whom was general interested at the same time. I kept my cool with all the questions about why I was vegan and what I eat. I mean I haven't seen my family in 4 years so I could understand, because the last time they saw me I was vegetarian.

Enough about me rambling about Thanksgiving and stuff. Some exciting news, I am going to be reviewing Larabar and Amy's courteous of both of theses companies. I should be posting a review of Amy's frozen items sometime this upcoming week. Along with those reviews I will be posting a review of the pumpkin pie above that I had for Thanksgiving, plus two restaurant reviews from the Houston area.

Does anyone know how to transfer pictures from iPhone to computer to use on a blog?

Please leave me a comment below if you know anything on how to do that.


  1. What a great idea to bring your own food along so they could see how yummy & normal it looks!

    I get my photos from my iPhone in two ways:

    1.) if it's just a couple photos I just email them to myself from the phone
    2.) if I want a lot of photos, i plug my phone into my computer's USB port, then browse for my iPhone's drive in the same way I'd navigate to a CD or Zip Drive.

  2. Holidays can sometimes be difficult as a vegan, sounds like you handled it all really well!

  3. Diana I figured out a way to get my pictures off my phone thanks you to, thank you thank you for the help.
